Call for Entries: Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Sociology


  • Mary Godwyn, Professor of Sociology, Babson College, MA, USA
  • Ethné Swartz, Professor of Management, Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University, NJ, USA
  • Michael Grothe-Hammer, Associate Professor of Sociology (Organization & Technology), Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
  • Samuel O. Idowu, London Guildhall School of Business & Law, London Metropolitan University, UK

Project Description:

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Sociology is a single-volume Encyclopedia in a new and exciting series of Encyclopedias in Sociology offered by Edward Elgar Publishing.

This volume offers relatively concise encyclopedic coverage of the discreet subfield of organizational sociology. We aim to capture a comprehensive set of diverse perspectives on organizational sociology, with easy-access entries and references to assist scholars and researchers as they search for seminal content in this important field.

The Editors wish to create a volume that provides readers with key foundational concepts in the field of sociology and organization studies, while also being inclusive of a range of theoretical perspectives that include but is not limited to liberal, postmodernist, historical materialist, or post-colonialist feminist accounts. We are also open to discussion that focusses on topics that meld transdisciplinary perspectives (e.g., inertia when implementing change), or social implications of technological change (e.g., deskilling, upskilling, digital skills and agile organizations). We are particularly interested in contributions that reflect the Global South and move us beyond purely Western perspectives, authors, and topics. Additionally, we encourage entries that update the major debates about the evolution of the discipline.



The single-volume Encyclopedia will consist of around 200,000 words that reflect selected entries from authors who respond to this call, or specially commissioned entries. Authors may choose to contribute one or more entries. The editors seek entries that provide a concise summary of the most relevant accumulated knowledge on a subject or concept. We expect that the length of entries will vary but, as a guide, more complex entries should be 2,000-3,000 words, while less complex entries (e.g., the definition of a key concept) as little as 1,000 words.

To ensure editorial integrity and foster diverse perspectives, the Editors request that authors peer-review two entries from other contributors for every entry they submit. Authors will be entitled to post the pre-print version of their entry on their own website and institutional repository after a six-month embargo period. For those interested, there will also be an option to publish a limited number of entries Open Access for a fee.

Organization of entries will be alphabetical and may include a very limited number of entries on founding authors in the field and their contributions, theories, and concepts upon which organizational sociology is defined. The Encyclopedia will be organized as follows: Biographies and contributions of approximately 10 founders of the field; Main Conceptual entries, and Organization entries. We expect Main entries to be between 2,000 – 3,000 words, Biographical and Organization entries to between 1,000 and 1,500 words. We append an initial list that interested contributors can consult. We also encourage contributors to propose their own entries not on our list for consideration. Interested contributors can send an initial 250-word outline that contains a precis of the content they wish to submit, and why it is important to include in the Encyclopedia. Please send these initial entries and further enquiries to:


Mary Godwyn, EiC Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Sociology




January – June: Solicitation of authors to write and peer-review entries for the Encyclopedia. 

Commitment from authors – The EiC will distribute Contributors Agreements to each author. 

September 15: Deadline for submission of written entries from authors. 

November 15: Distribution of entries to peer-reviewers. 



January 15: the Deadline for peer- reviews of entries to be submitted to Co-editors.

March 15: the Deadline for Co-editors to complete their review of peer-reviewed submissions.

April 15: Deadline for Co-editors to provide feedback on entries.

June 15: Deadline for rewrites and resubmissions

August 15: Deadline for Co-editors to complete final revisions and submit manuscript to publisher.

Final Entries and Due Date:

All final entries are due on September 15, 2023, but can be sent at any time before that. Please follow the structure below:

  • Title
  • Introduction and brief overview of the topic, figure/author/researcher, or concept.
  • Discussion and application
  • Critical summary and conclusion
  • Name of Author (right indent)
  • References and selected further readings. 

The referencing system for in-text citations is (Author, Year). To refer to a specific page it is (Author, Year: p. 166). The following format is to be used for the list of references at the end of the entry:

  • Boltanski, L. and E. Chiapello (2005), The New Spirit of Capitalism. London: Verso.
  • Hyman, R. (2006), Marxist thought and the analysis of work, in M. Korczynski, R. Hodson and P. Edwards (eds), Social Theory at Work, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Pettinger, L. (2004), Brand culture and branded workers: service work and aesthetic labor in fashion retail, Consumption, Markets & Culture, 7(2), pp.165-184.
  • Authors can also suggest other types of media such as websites, podcasts or films under references and selected further readings. 

Proposed List of Entries for Encyclopedia of Organizational Sociology

1.          Accountability

2.          Adam Smith

3.          Adhocracy

4.          Administrative Sociology

5.          Affirmative action

6.          Age

7.          Agile organization

8.          Agency theory

9.          Alexis de Tocqueville

10.      Algorithmic culture

11.      Alternative organizations

12.      Animals

13.      Art gallery

14.      Authority (types)

15.      Bias (types such as gender, race, 2nd generation)

16.      B-Corporations

17.      Bottom-up management

18.      Boundary spanning

19.      Bureaucracy (including types)

20.      Bureaucratic organizational form including bureaucratic control

21.      Business continuity

22.      Business organizations

23.      C. Wright Mills

24.      Capitalism (types – monopoly vs stakeholder)

25.      Charles Perrow

26.      Chester Barnard

27.      Chicago School

28.      Circular economy

29.      Clandestine Organization

30.      Class conflict

31.      Cliques

32.      Coercive organizations

33.      Cognitive dissonance

34.      Collective action

35.      Contagion

36.      Conversion of technologies

37.      Communicative Constitution of Organization

38.      Communism

39.      Compensation

40.      Compliance

41.      Contingency Theory

42.      Crisis management

43.      Critical Race Theory

44.      Deviance

45.      Democracy

46.      Diffusion of innovations

47.      Digital affordances

48.      Digital networks

49.      Digital nomads

50.      Digital punishment

51.      Digital Social Sciences

52.      Digital systems and architecture

53.      Disruptive change

54.      Disruptive innovation

55.      Ecosystems

56.      Emotions in Organizations

57.      Extreme work

58.      Formal Organization

59.      Fragmentation (network structures)

60.      Gendering

61.      Gender equity

62.      Gig work

63.      Groups

64.      High-Reliability Organization

65.      Inertia

66.      Industrial crises

67.      Informal Organizations (Grassroot Organizations)

68.      Informality (of structures and processes)

69.      Innovation economy

70.      Institutional theory and neo-Institutionalism

71.      Interactional and relational theories of organization

72.      International Schools

73.      Inter-organizational networks

74.      Intersectionality

75.      Labor process

76.      Legitimacy

77.      Managerialism

78.      Mary Parker Follett

79.      Marxism

80.      Meta-Organization

81.      Michel Crozier

82.      Mission statements

83.      Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

84.      Networks (types such as embedded in organizations, social, digital)

85.      Network effects

86.      Niklas Luhmann

87.      Normal accidents

88.      Organizational crises

89.      Organizations and inequality

90.      Organization and Macro-level differentiation of society

91.      Organization and societal differentiation

92.      Organization as closed system

93.      Organization as field – please clarify

94.      Organization as network

95.      Organization as open system

96.      Organization as process

97.      Organization as social order

98.      Organization as social system

99.      Organization as structure

100.  Organization as system

101.  Organization Studies

102.  Organization Theory

103.  Organizational adaptation

104.  Organizational behavior

105.  Organizational chart

106.  Organizational culture

107.  Organizational diversity

108.  Organizational Ecology

109.  Organizational fields

110.  Organizational governance

111.  Organizational Institutionalism

112.  Organizational pathology

113.  Organizational key concepts

114.  Organizational Sociology and other sociologies

115.  Organizational Theories and paradigms

116.  Organizational types and forms

117.  Organizationality

118.  Organizational resilience

119.  Partial Organization

120.  Partnerships

121.  Party (event)

122.  Party (political)

123.  Peter Drucker

124.  Pierre Bourdieu

125.  Platforms

126.  Police

127.  Political Economy

128.  Political Sociology

129.  Power

130.  Practice theory

131.  Prison

132.  Profit maximization

133.  Public Administration

134.  Race

135.  Radical democracy

136.  Rational myth

137.  Rational systems theories

138.  Rationality (types)

139.  Reciprocity

140.  Reforms

141.  Relational organizational form

142.  Religious Organizations

143.  Resistance (collective and individual)

144.  Resource dependency theory

145.  Restaurants

146.  Retaliation

147.  Rituals

148.  Robert Merton

149.  Schools

150.  Sensemaking

151.  Shops

152.  Social Movement Studies

153.  Social order vs. social organization

154.  Social stratification

155.  Social Systems Theory

156.  Socialism

157.  Sociology of Sports

158.  Sociology of Work

159.  Solidarity

160.  Stakeholders

161.  Strategic Alliance

162.  Strong vs Weak ties

163.  Structural theories

164.  Structural holes

165.  Structuration

166.  Sustainability

167.  Sustainable corporations

168.  Systems (Rational, Natural, Open)

169.  Systems theory

170.  Tacit skills

171.  Talcott Parsons

172.  Teams

173.  Technology

174.  Temporal working regimes

175.  Temporary Organization & Project Organization

176.  Tokenism

177.  Top-down management

178.  Total organization

179.  Town meeting model

180.  Transaction cost economics

181.  Transactional model

182.  Translation

183.  Trust

184.  Uniformed work

185.  Union organizations

186.  University

187.  Voluntary organizations

188.  Weber (Max)

189.  Weberian Ideal Types

190.  Whistle blowing

191.  White collar work

192.  White collar crime

193.  Wicked Problems

194.  Work-life balance